Mohammad Khayat Tehranchi

زراعة الأنسجة لنخيل التمر

تعليمات بروتوكول زراعة الأنسجة لنخيل التمر زراعة الأنسجة لنخيل التمر هي طريقة تستخدم لتكثير الخلايا غير الجنسية للنبات، لإنتاج شتلات نخيل التمر المثمرة على نطاق واسع. سيتم التطرق في هذا النص بشكل مختصر إلى تعليمات زراعة الأنسجة لنخيل التمر. تُعد شتلات نخيل التمر من نوع مجول وبرحي الأكثر طلبًا والأغلى سعرًا في العالم. لفهم أفضل […]

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Organic Fertilizers for Dates

Organic Fertilizers for Dates

Exploring the Best Organic Fertilizers for Dates The Date palm trees, with majestic stature and sweet fruits, have been revered for centuries across cultures and continents. Whether gracing landscapes or providing sustenance in arid regions, these iconic trees deserve meticulous care to thrive. While artificial fertilizers are common, switching to organic farming practices not only

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date palm plant

Tissue culture offshoot date

A Comparison between Date Palm Tissue culture and offshoots In this article, we talking about the advantages and disadvantages of tissue culture and the offshoot of date palm. There is no difference between varieties. “Tissue culture offshoot date” is a short version title for the content of this content. The offshoots and tissue-cultured saplings (tissue

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Medjool Date Palm

Medjool Date Palm, Introduction and Investigation The Phoenix dactylifera, commonly known as date palm, is a monocotyledonous tree of the Arecaceae family and the Arecales order, typically found in warm climates. Medjool date palm, which enjoys a robust international market and export demand worldwide, is recognized by various names across different countries and languages as

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