Tissue culture offshoot date

A Comparison between Date Palm Tissue culture and offshoots

In this article, we talking about the advantages and disadvantages of tissue culture and the offshoot of date palm. There is no difference between varieties. “Tissue culture offshoot date” is a short version title for the content of this content.

The offshoots and tissue-cultured saplings (tissue culture offshoot date) are the two main methods for supplying the necessary plants for establishing or renovating date palm orchards.
Furthermore, to these methods, there is also a third method known as seedling cultivation, which involves planting date palm seeds.
The use of seedlings derived from date palm seeds has been obsolete for years due to the uncertainty of the tree’s gender until maturity and the occurrence of extensive trait variations.

Tissue culture offshoot date


Date Palm Offshoots

An offshoot is essentially a branch that has branched off from the base or root of the mother tree (plant) and can independently undergo growth and reproduction stages like a complete plant after being separated from the main plant. Offshoots are natural clones of the mother tree and have complete genetic similarities to the original plant. Offshoots, or quality offshoots that meet the conditions for separation from the mother tree, have always been one of the most widely used methods of date palm propagation worldwide.



The number of offshoots produced on each tree varies. Experience has shown that the higher the number of offshoots on a tree, the lower the quality of the offshoots. It can be stated that the quantity of offshoots is inversely proportional to their quality. Using such offshoots for propagation and establishing date palm orchards is not recommended.

Tissue-cultured date palm

The tissue culture of date palms is a proliferation method. It means mass quantities of plants entirely similar to the mother plant can be produced via cellular reproduction. In this method, the genetic material of the mother tree (offshoot) is transferred to a tissue culture laboratory. Then, using one of the direct embryogenesis or organogenesis methods, date palm seedlings are produced and disseminated.



Differences between tissue-cultured date palm and offshoots

A summary of the most important comparative criteria between these two methods can be described as follows:

Genetic purity

In both methods, the resulting plants show high genetic purity and similarity to the mother tree.
Free from disease and contamination

Tissue-cultured date palm plants, due to their production under sterile conditions in the laboratory, are completely free from any contamination and disease. However, offshoots, being in the field and natural environment of the orchard, may carry surface contaminations and can even act as vectors for important date palm pests and diseases.

The success rate of cultivation

Tissue-cultured date palm seedlings possess a robust root system, which can predict a successful establishment rate of up to 100% in the soil. Since offshoots do not have suitable roots, they are entirely dependent on the mother tree in every aspect. After separating offshoots from the main plant, they require a considerable amount of time to adapt to new conditions and lead an independent life, thus carrying a high risk of losses.



Offshoots typically measure over one meter in length and weigh over ten kilograms. In these conditions, if successful establishment in the soil is achieved, the subsequent maintenance stages will not be overly complicated or sensitive. However, the aerial part of tissue-cultured date palm seedlings, despite having strong roots, is sensitive during the first year of cultivation, and thermal and drought stresses can affect their growth. Additionally, the size of tissue-cultured seedlings, ranging from 30 to 50 centimeters, is much smaller compared to offshoots, posing a higher risk of damage by domestic animals and wild animals such as gazelles.

Mutations (Variation)

Due to the nature of the tissue culture production method, date palm plants may undergo genetic mutations to some extent. These mutations do not necessarily lead to the doom of the plant but can have an impact on its aesthetic beauty. The date palm mutations are divided into two categories:

The first category includes epigenetic mutations that are reversible and do not affect the health and productivity of the plant.

Examples of epigenetic Mutations

leaf discoloration, yellowing of half of the leaf vertically, excessive offshoot production, and delayed maturity are the most important examples of EM.

The second category includes genetic mutations that are irreversible and completely remove the tree from the growth or reproduction cycle. Some of the most important genetic mutations in date palms include dwarfism, senescence (horizontal growth instead of vertical), which is also referred to as palm madness, lack of flowering even after maturity, and multi-headedness, provided that the produced crowns bear no fruit.



Due to their genetic similarity, Tissue-cultured seedlings exhibit uniform behavior in the same environment and conditions. Therefore, they will have consistent growth rates, productivity levels, flowering times, and fruit quality, making them perfectly suitable for commercial orchards.

Offshoots, being taken from different mother trees and having varying sizes and responses to environmental stimuli, are not a suitable option for investment.

Conclusion of Tissue culture offshoot date

The shifting from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture is inevitable. Tissue culture is a lead tool in modern agriculture. It can be considered one of the pillars of food security in the agricultural industry. The production method for vital commercial plants worldwide is tissue culture. In date palms, commercial varieties such as Medjool and Barhi dates are mostly produced by tissue culture.

In summary, each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and no method is flawless. Therefore, our choice should be based on needs and foresight. It can be firmly stated that for the successful establishment of a date palm orchard, no resource is as effective and vital as tissue-cultured date palm seedlings. This is because with reduced production costs and increased yield per unit area, the main goal of investment, which is profit with a suitable margin, is achieved.


Mohammad Khayat Tehranchi

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